Who I am
As a Visual Media Composer/Producer, I am a seasoned musical professional with over 10 years in the business and a proven track record in delivering results. My passion for music composition adds a unique dimension to the visual media with an aim to be artistically original.
I have an invaluable network of industry professionals and believe in using real musicians as much as possible. My collaborative approach, friendly disposition and musical maturity all add to my passion for perfection. I have strong technical expertise from academic training in music and IT as well as extensive on-the-job experience in New York, Moscow, Hong Kong, Belgium, Melbourne, Singapore and now in Italy.
My expertise includes media and filmscoring, creation of original classical music, orchestration and arranging. My core experience lies in development and implementation of original musical cues for documentaries, commercials, animation and short films, and management of budgets.

How I work
The service I offer will suit your project, whether it be a package deal or project oriented. The entire process will be timely and within budget. However, it is important to note that the industry works within a minimal pricing structure – go to FTVMUSICSURVEY and COMMISSIONING_MUSIC for further information.
I will work with you to achieve the best quality product for the available budget and respect all deadlines. I will invest ‘time’ into your project ensuring not only a quality end result but a fun experience throughout the process.

T +39-380-589-7134
E info@decan.net
Skype: dannydecan